What to Expect
It takes some courage to visit a new church for the first time. We would love for you to join us in worship anytime. To make things a bit easier, we offer this brief response to Frequently Asked Questions. If you have additional wonderings during the service, please ask the usher or anyone nearby!
Who is welcome?
No matter who you are, or where you are on life's journey, you are welcome at Heidelberg Union Church!
We welcome all no matter your age, gender, ethnicity, identity/expression, ability, or economic status. Whether you've never stepped foot in a church building, or you have been attending all your life, you are welcome to be a part of our community of faith!
We have two entrances to our worship space.
A handicap accessible entrance is located to the right of the church building next to our main parking lot.
You may also enter through our porch entrance at the front of the church.
What should I wear?
As with most things at Heidelberg Union Church, we’re diverse. You will see some folk in very casual clothes and some in “going to Meeting” outfits; so come as you feel most comfortable.
Is there a time to offer a gift to the ministry of the church?
Yes. We have brass offering plates abatable at both of our entrances. If you would like to contribute a gift you may do so before or after the service. We do not expect visitors to contribute although gifts are always welcome.
We also accept online donations to contribute to our ministry please click here
Another way to support our ministry is to make a donation on our Facebook page by
Or you can mail a gift to our church office
Heidelberg Union Church
attn Financial Secretary
5187 Irvin Rd
Slatington, PA 18080
What is the service like?
That varies somewhat from Sunday to Sunday. Generally speaking our worship service lasts 45-60 minutes.
An usher will provide you with a bulletin that describes our order of worship which includes prayers, songs, music and a sermon.
You can sit anywhere. Some people sit in the same place each week, they usually arrive early, and will be happy to share a pew with you. We would love to have you join us!
If you have any questions about the service, please feel free to speak with the ushers or talk with the pastor before or after the service.
What about my kids?
Your children are welcome to stay with you throughout the worship time. We love having families & young ones with us during worship & enjoy a "joyful noise" during worship!
Relax! God put the wiggle in children; don’t feel you have to suppress it in God’s house! All are welcome!
Sit toward the front where it is easier for your little ones to see and hear what’s going on. They tire of seeing the backs of others’ heads.
Quietly explain the parts of the Service and actions of the pastor, ushers, choir, etc.
Sing the hymns, pray, and voice the responses. Children learn liturgical behavior by copying you.
If you have to leave the service with your child, please feel free to do so, but please come back. As Jesus said, “Let the children come to me”
Remember the way we welcome children in the church directly affects the way they respond to the Church, to God, and to one another. Let them know that they are at home in this house of worship.
The presence of children is a gift to the church and they are a reminder that our congregation is growing. Please welcome our children and give a smile of encouragement to their parents.
Wedding, Funeral and Hall Rental information Coming soon!
Sacraments are ritual actions in worship which, according to Scripture, were instituted by Jesus. In the sacraments of baptism and communion we ask the Holy Spirit to use water, bread, and wine to make visible the grace, forgiveness, and presence of God in Christ.

What is the sacrament of Holy Communion?
The communion meal recalls the table fellowship Jesus shared with his disciples, and in particular the Last Supper on the night before his death as well as his appearances to the disciples during meals following his resurrection. Throughout its history these Biblical events have been central to the Church’s worship life. The broken bread and poured wine represent—present anew—the crucified and risen Christ. The wheat gathered to bake one loaf and the grapes pressed to make one cup remind participants that they are one body in Christ, while the breaking and pouring announce the costliness of Christ’s sacrifice for the forgiveness of sin.
How often do you celebrate Holy Communion?
We celebrate the sacrament of Holy Communion the first Sunday of every month. We also celebrate communion on Ash Wednesday and Maundy Thursday and at some of our evening worship services.
How do you distribute the meal?
We serve by intinction. People come forward receive the bread and then dip the bread into either the juice or the wine before eating.
Who may take communion?
At Heidelberg Union Church we celebrate an "open table." Everyone is welcome to take part in communion; members, non-members, adults and children whose parents feel they are ready. If you don't feel comfortable taking communion, that's OK too. You're welcome to receive a prayer of blessing or just remain seated.
Do you use wine or grape juice?
Both. Juice and Wine are both available.
What about the bread?
We use regular bread. We also have a gluten free option for those that need it.
I see we come forward to recieve communion what if I have difficulty walking?
Just raise your hand during the distribution of the bread, and someone will bring it to you.

What is the sacrament of Baptism?
The sacrament of baptism is an outward and visible sign of the grace of God. Through baptism a person is joined with the universal church, the body of Christ. In baptism, God works in us the power of forgiveness, the renewal of the spirit, and the knowledge of the call to be God’s people always. Baptism with water and the Holy Spirit is the sign and seal of our common discipleship. Since baptism is God’s gift, the Holy Spirit is called to be upon the water and those being baptized. The act of baptism also marks the beginning of new life of discipleship with Christ, the human response to that gift.
Is there a special time for Baptisms?
Baptism is a personal celebration in the lives of the individual candidates and their families. It is also a celebration within the local church family and a recognition of its commitment. For this reason, baptism is celebrated in the presence of the community gathered for worship at Heidelberg Union Church.
Who is baptized?
Infants, children, youth and adults. For infants and children, as well as for youth and adults who have never been baptized before, baptism marks their acceptance into the care of Christ’s church, the sign and seal of God’s grace and forgiveness, and the beginning of their Christian faith and life.
Are sponsors or Godparents present?
Parents, in consultation with the pastor, may choose sponsors or Godparents for infants and young children who are to be baptized. Other candidates for baptism may also be given this opportunity to have sponsors. At the time of the baptismal service, the sponsors, who accompany the candidates and present them for baptism, may make promises identical to the promises of the parents concerning their role.
Why is Water used?
Water is an essential element of baptism. Water is a prominent symbol of cleansing and life in the Bible—the water of creation, the great flood, the liberation of Israel through the sea, the water of Mary’s womb, the baptism of Jesus in the Jordan River, the woman at the well, and Jesus’ washing of the feet of the disciples. That is why water is
visibly present in the service.
At Heidelberg Union Church, baptism is marked by using water to apply the symbol of the cross onto the newly baptized individual's forehead